Find your place, create your space
Career transitions take place at all stages of our lives. Sometimes we initiate change, sometimes change is forced upon us. Our aim at All Seasons Career Guidance is to support those engaged in career planning and development. We provide one-to-one career guidance by a qualified professional in a supportive and encouraging environment as you move from uncertainty and confusion to clarity and confidence.

Understanding where to begin
Are you a school-leaver who would like to plan your career path?
Are you looking for employment or would you like to change jobs?
Would you like to return to education or to the workplace?
We often underestimate just how difficult it can be to know how to plan our careers or what our needs are at various career development stages. Taking a seasonal approach to our career planning and development needs helps us to understand the nature of our particular needs at a particular stage. As with the seasons, we are in a constant process of career change and development. Self-awareness is key to
understanding our needs at each career development stage.

The Spring Phase
The Spring phase of our career journey is all about beginnings as we progress towards career fulfilment. It often involves significant career planning activities such as CAO applications, preparatory courses, job applications and interviews as we venture into new spaces in work or in study.

The Summer Phase
This phase is evident from our sense of fulfilment and achievement in our careers. It may involve career development activities such as changing jobs, promotions or additional study to support our career ambitions.

The Autumn Phase
In the Autumn phase, we acknowledge our achievements to date. We also acknowledge that change is on the horizon. We may seek to consolidate our knowledge and skills or take on a new challenge. This phase often involves career planning activities or support in changing roles or moving to a new job.

The Winter Phase
As you might expect, the Winter phase is about endings. We may be at the end of a contract, a career or a course of study. It is important to acknowledge this phase and consider what we bring with us before we embark on a new beginning. Career guidance sessions can greatly support individuals at a stage which often involves disturbance and insecurity.

Gain Insights
Recognising our unique individual abilities, interests, needs, ambitions and experiences is key to making good choices in career and education. We believe that by understanding our career fit we are more likely to enhance our own health and wellbeing and positively contribute to our communities and the environment. Investing time in understanding yourself and your career interests is something that will remain of value to you throughout your whole life. At All Seasons Career Guidance, we will help you gain the insights you need at this time.
Take the next step
Call us at All Seasons Career Guidance today. We will take you through what we offer and how we work.
All Seasons Career Guidance is based in southwest Donegal. Career guidance is currently available online or by phone. Appointments are also available in person in Donegal, Fermanagh, Leitrim and Sligo.